Kubefile instruction
A Kubefile
is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an
image.We can use the Kubefile
to define a cluster image that can be shared and deployed offline. a Kubefile
like Dockerfile
which contains the build instructions to define the specific cluster.
FROM instruction
instruction defines which base image you want reference, and the first instruction in Kubefile must be the
FROM instruction. Registry authentication information is required if the base image is a private image. By the way
official base images are available from the Sealer community.
command format:FROM {your base image name}
For example ,use the base image kubernetes:v1.19.8
which provided by the Sealer community to build a new cloud image.
FROM registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes:v1.19.8
COPY instruction
instruction used to copy the contents from the context path such as file or directory to the rootfs
. all
the cloud image is based on the rootfs, and the default src path is
the rootfs
.If the specified destination directory does not exist, sealer will create it automatically.
command format:COPY {src dest}
For example , copy mysql.yaml
COPY mysql.yaml .
For example , copy directory apollo
to rootfs/charts/apollo
COPY apollo charts
RUN instruction
The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The
resulting committed image will be used for the next step in the Kubefile
command format:RUN {command args …}
For example ,Using RUN
instruction to execute a commands that download kubernetes dashboard.
RUN wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.2.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
CMD instruction
The format of CMD instruction is similar to RUN instruction, and also will execute any commands in a new layer. However,
the CMD command will be executed when the cluster is started . it is generally used to start applications or configure
the cluster. and it is different with Dockerfile
CMD ,If you list more than one CMD in a Kubefile
,then all of them
will take effect.
command format:CMD {command args …}
For example ,Using CMD
instruction to execute a commands that apply the kubernetes dashboard yaml.
CMD kubectl apply -f recommended.yaml