apiVersion:sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1 kind:Cluster metadata: name:my-cluster spec: image:registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes:v1.19.8 provider:BAREMETAL ssh:# host ssh config # ssh login password. If you use the key, you don't need to set the password passwd: # The absolute path of the ssh private key file, for example, /root/.ssh/id_rsa pk:xxx # ssh private key file password pkPasswd:xxx # ssh login user user:root network: podCIDR: svcCIDR: certSANS: -aliyun-inc.com - masters: ipList: - - - nodes: ipList: - - -
Automatically apply ali cloud server for installation, the provider is ALI_CLOUD. Or using container for installation,the provider is CONTAINER:
apiVersion:sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1 kind:Cluster metadata: name:my-cluster spec: image:registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes:v1.19.8# name of CloudImage provider:ALI_CLOUD# OR CONTAINER ssh:# custom host ssh config passwd:xxx pk:xxx pkPasswd:xxx user:root network: podCIDR: svcCIDR: certSANS: -aliyun-inc.com - masters:# You can specify the number of servers, system disk, data disk, cpu and memory size cpu:4 memory:8 count:3 systemDisk:100 dataDisks: -100 nodes: cpu:5 memory:8 count:3 systemDisk:100 dataDisks: -100 status: {}